Monday, August 27, 2007

Slate of Games, Week I, 2007

Despite the ban on internet gambling the Bourbon Boys will continue to go ATS (for entertainment purposes only). Lines from

Additionally, this year we will be picking a Non-SEC game of the week as decided by the Bourbon Boys themselves with some input from various readers.

Well here it is, FOOTBALL IS BACK!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

LSU @ Mississippi State (+18), 8

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Western Kentucky @ Florida (NL), 12:30

Ole Miss @ Memphis (+2.5), 3:30

Eastern Kentucky @ Kentucky (NL), 6

Oklahoma State @ Georgia (-6.5), 6:45

Western Carolina @ Alabama (NL), 7

Troy @ Arkansas (-23.5), 7

Richmond @ Vanderbilt (NL), 7

Louisiana-Lafayette @ South Carolina (NL), 7

Kansas State @ Auburn (-13.5), 7:45

Tennessee @ California (-6), 8

Non-SEC Game of the Week

Monday, September 3, 2007

Florida State @ Clemson (+3.5), 8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's with using FSU as the non-SEC game of the week? You have always picked the FSU and Miami games each week anyway.

I vote for the Georgia Tech vs. Notre Dame game on Sat. @3:30pm on the "All Notre Dame...All of the time" channel (NBC). I'm sure there is a line on that game(for entertainment purposes only of course).


P.S. I'm looking forward to another great year bourbon induced SEC predictions!