Saturday, October 28, 2006

Running blog, why not, let the brew/bourbon flow

So I figured since I'm at grand central football station...AKA my apartment. I would go with the running blog of the games commencing at the second half of UT-USC, UT-TT, and FSU-UM.

I may or may not have played some games of chance (for entertainment purposes only) with a couple of these games.

Fuck Bill Simmons...this is the real spelling bullshit crap...and I'm kinda angry because we should have crushed UGA...fuck em...let's go

9:26 Enter X Lee, running, passing, looking for the cover, bowden loves this guy.
Why did Weatherdick ever ay?

Highlights: Tejas wants to cover...who loves ya baby. Touchdown...lets go burnt orange.

Antone smith sucks...he's like Lo Booker Jr. Shit on a stick 3 & 8...

TTech is done.. their shit hate covering QB is throwing it away all over the place.

Uh oh, here comes another coors light.

FIRST DOWN NOLES...GET THAT COVER. C Davis...get that st pete pride

9:34 C Davis score...bring that shit...I hate money, it makes me root for anyone...coors light cracked

9:36 USC UT still weird, who do I root for...long term visions etc

Friegen just got a skinny guy

3&10 huge, Ainge is a wackjob, tons of protections, huge recievers, does the guy have Torrets?

I just don't just can't miss open guys and give Spur Dog extra chances...muffed reception??????
UT recovers!!!!!!!!!! Beer sip.....check penalty...ILLEGAL FUCKING FORMATION!! Punt that shit again! Holy fucking shit...check out phil's face, spur dog just kicked him in the nuts.

Repunt - down at 1.

FSU has the fucking ball , marlyand player jacks up lee on a penalty...x lee cool name, against rules to hit people, why do it?

9:42 Nole smoving, llving the cover, but wait, douche fullback on roids drops a pass...seriously how much roids do FSU fullbacks take...tary not be obvious.

USC recovers fumble

OPtion action by spurdog

FSU on the move

Lob ball by Newton....CAUGHT....defensive interference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a fucking game, I lvoe football dont' stop

Again down the field, spur dog getting dudes open, fsu movin rock, lee is like a cat

WIDE OPEN TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit, spur dog SMILED!!!! :)

9:51 why is MY trying they hate the cover? SCacked beotch, some chap timmons UNBLOCKED!

fsu, cover much?

UT getting ready to recive

lit up like a christmas tree

random redneck yelling...I'm scared

thwroing to fullback/TE's , always a bad sign for UT

hardesty - an awesome porn name

that's interference folks, feet tangled up, bs excuse

fsu hits bomb, ST PETE IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!

I hate fucks who hold up"four"

10:08 Phil answers....I love the new camera angles...I smell a porn source.

kick a field goal, punch it in fuckwads

huge punt return, didn't seem like he ran that far, could be the beer

too much beer, fsu loses again , UT blowout, runing blogs blow.

GO see the departed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy shit EGM was shit faced...I like it